Thursday, April 19, 2012


So today is Picasso day in the land of Glorietta Elementary school kids taking my art class. First day of the session actually and I always find myself turning to Picasso to jump start the series of artist to "study."
Picasso. Picasso. Picasso.
Lets google him to get the ideas flowin'
Bread fingers.

This is Anthony Hopkins playing Picasso but I'll take it.


His home.

A man inspired by greatness. (Not Picasso-just a fan.)

Now for the art:

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is a large oil painting done in 1907 
Said to be African Inspired and done in Picasso's African Influenced period.
The work is of 5 female prostitutes at a brothel - trying explaining that one to a 6 year old

The Old Guitarist is an oil painting done in 1903
Done in his Blue Period of painting brought on by his poor standard of living and a suicide of a close friend. 

Family of Saltimbanques- oil on canvas, 1905
This was done in Picasso's Rose Period
I love this one. 

So who is the muse behind the man.....
He had plenty.
Fernande, Eva, Olga,Marie-Therese, Dora, Francoise, Jacqueline. 
Fernande Olivier
 First long term relationship and subject in many of his rose period paintings.

Marcelle Humbert or "Eva"
Picasso would paint " I love Eva" in some of his paintings to profess his love for her.
She moved in with him but died of tuberculous at an early age.

 Olga Khokhlova the Ballerina and his first wife
Olga was high society and had one son

So here is where it get juicy. While Picasso was still married to Olga he met the beautiful Marie-Thérèse Walter who was 17 at the time. 

They began an affair and it wasn't until Marie Theresa was pregnant that Olga found out. 

Oh My! I'm exhausted. The affairs just kept on going
that's it for now.


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